Retrograde Season & Working Through Our Wounds

I’m not quite sure where to start today, with this new blog post of mine. So I guess I’ll just have to jump in. There seems to be a lot of emotions coming up in me today, and I’m not sure what it’s all about yet, but I still feel the urge to blog so we’ll see what comes of it. We’re out of Venus retrograde finally, but for me it seems like the plot is just thickening more when it comes to my relationships. But my self-love and making decisions that are right for me, protecting my inner child, is something that seems to have strengthened though, through this retrograde, and that is a joy to see.

As I mentioned in my last blog post, I’ve been seeing a man recently, which has mostly been a very nice and healing experience, and something that I have definitely needed, although there have also been some challenges, of course, as I still have some wounds that have been triggered in the process. That is of course really a good thing, too, as it means I’m clearing out stuff. Just not always easy. It’s bringing me face to face with some of my deepest wounds, and in some ways that has been more intense than ever. But manageable… just.

When I last wrote about this, I was struggling to figure out what I wanted with this man, and there has been some back and forth because of this. In the last few days, though, I thought I had finally figured it out, only for it to shift again. Last night, as I was going to sleep, there was a strong energy that came in, and seemed to turn everything on its head. It felt connected to this man, and felt like there may be something deeper there than I first thought. I already saw a past life connection with him, that came up around the full moon, but this seemed to go deeper than what came up then. It doesn’t feel like anything bad, but I just don’t know what to make of it yet. Or who knows, maybe it’s nothing. I guess I’ll just have to give it some time, and it will get clearer. As we’re still in Mercury retrograde, there is still some fog that needs to clear, perhaps, before I get the full picture.

Either way, I’ve been healing and clearing a lot through this past few weeks, and my own vibration is soaring to new heights, as my kundalini and heart is activating more, too. So I can only be grateful for all of it. Even if things do get a bit confusing at times. But next week I’m traveling to Greece, Crete to be exact, so that will be a beautiful opportunity to relax and integrate all my recent experiences. There’s nothing that a bit of sun, sand and sea can’t cure. And from what I hear, the Greek islands carry some goddess energy, so perhaps I can tap into that, too, while there, to activate my feminine power some more.

And as for the energies of the heavens in the weeks ahead, the retrograde party still continues, although it will probably lighten up a little with Mercury going direct on September 15. We’re in Virgo season, which is an earth sign, so that may help to ground things a bit, yet Virgo can also be a bit nitpicky and perfectionist, which may help us analyze and go deeper into the details of things, which can be a good thing, as long as we don’t overdo it. It definitely feels a bit like that in my own journey right now, that’s for sure, that I’m zooming in deeper on certain issues of mine, to clear them for good. As a result I’m getting a lot more clarity around my wounds, as well as who I am and what I want, at least around certain issues.

Then later in the month we’ll shift into Libra season, with the Equinox being the turning point leading us into Fall (here in the Northern Hemisphere anyway), and will hopefully bring some more balance and beauty into our lives, as that is (among other things) what Libra is all about. So until then, and let’s face it probably beyond then too, as eclipse season is waiting just around the corner, there will most likely continue to be a bit of confusion and turmoil, as we heal and clear and let go of old wounds, but at the same time bring in higher energies of beauty and love. Thankfully one doesn’t come without the other. There are always counterbalancing energies that bring us higher and higher on the spiral of ascension.

In the meantime, tap into the feminine and grounding energy of the Virgin goddess, or Virgo, take care of your body, as that is an area that Virgo rules, and try to move through the retrograde energies as best you can, knowing that you have the strength of the goddess within you to conquer and heal all the pain and wounds of the past. Some meditation and yoga may be just what the doctor ordered, as well as rest and other forms of healing that may call to you. Personally, I feel that some sound healing may be just the thing I need, so now I think I will go home and dig out my crystal bowls, playing and toning for healing, for myself and the world.

With that, I will say goodbye for today. I wish you all the best through the remainder of this retrograde season and beyond, and as always, sending you much love & light!

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