Equinox, The Astrological New Year & Reevaluating Life

I write this blog post on the day of the Equinox, a little earlier in the week than I normally write, as I always publish on a Friday. I felt called to do so, however, as the energy of the Equinox, which also ushers in the new year of the Zodiac and Aries season, called on me to do a little reevaluation of where I am at in my life, and where I want to be heading in the coming turn of the Zodiac wheel.

In recent weeks I’ve experienced some strong shifts, that I am still integrating, the biggest one being the shift of the twin flame connection to a new person, that came as a bit of a shock in many ways, although I had slowly been releasing the old one for quite some time. Yet I still have needed some time to come to terms with it, and allowing myself to grieve and release the old, as I welcome in the new, which I suppose is quite aligned with the time we’re in, with the shift from Pisces to Aries season and the beginning of the new astrological year.

It’s with some sadness, but also gratitude that I look back at what has been and everything that happened with the old twin flame. Sadness for the dreams and hopes I had, that will no longer come to pass, and also for all the pain that I went through in that connection. There was quite a lot of the latter, but I feel it was necessary in many ways, as it helped to bring up my deepest wounds and gain a better understanding of myself and my past traumas that have affected my life and my behavior in more ways than I ever realized. Even though that was an incredibly difficult journey, I’m grateful for how it has lifted me up into a higher vibration now, that wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t go through all of that.

Another thing that I’m incredibly grateful for is that he gave me back the gift of music. Before we connected, I’d had a writer’s block for about 10 years, not able write or create any music, but that opened up again shortly after our first encounter. Perhaps that was what was the most positive about our connection, our mutual love for music, and slowly I’ve been bringing that back into my life in recent years to a higher level than ever before. I’m now writing, recording and producing my own music, something I’ve never done before, and that is a gift that I appreciate beyond words, and gives me so much joy and is healing, too, in many ways.

Now, what the new connection will bring, remains to be seen. I know that there are still many things I need to heal, and hopefully it will help with that. But bringing the attention back to myself and feeling into where I’m at, I suppose I feel called to start exploring more aspects of my Self, beyond the music. For quite some time I’ve felt that I have two great loves; music and healing work. The former has been my main focus in recent times, but I’m beginning to feel drawn to bring more of the latter back into my life also. Healing work for me encompasses Kundalini yoga & meditation, vibrational healing (which includes work with crystals, essential oils and sound healing) and deep inner work/soul journeys. All of that I’ve been practicing on myself throughout my journey in recent years, but I feel it may be time to begin to share it and work with others again, as I’ve taken a long break from that too, on my journey.

I feel that part of my calling is to help others, and I’m already doing that through my job as a care worker, of course, but I do feel that it doesn’t end there, and that I can use my gifts and experience to a greater extent than what I now do. So I hope to, as I heal and step more and more out of the grips of fear and pain that has ruled my life for so long, that I can bring more healing to the world in different ways. I would love to start teaching yoga and do sound healing workshops again, and hopefully also start coaching people in time. That is my intention and goal for the new zodiac year and I intend to start taking steps in that direction slowly but surely, as I continue to work on my music, too, of course.

So as the Equinox and Aries season is upon us, I encourage you, too, to take stock of where you’re at, looking at what you want to release and and what you want to bring into the new zodiac year with you. It’s a powerful time to set intentions (perhaps even more so than at the new calendar year in my opinion), so if you feel called, take this time now to do that (it doesn’t have to be done on the day of the Equinox, the energy stays with us for a few days), and then you can use the energy of the upcoming lunar Eclipse to help release what no longer serves you. I plan to do that, and will probably also do a detox as part of that process, but more on that later…

I wish you a beautiful new astrological year, and as always, send you much love & light!

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