Spring, Equinox and Symptoms of Kundalini Awakening

I’m back at my usual haunt, the Oslo library, for a new round of introspection and blogging. Spring is finally here, and after a rain filled last week that melted most of the snow, at least here in the city center, this week the sun has come out, and the temperatures are warming up a little. It’s a shame to be sitting inside and write in this fine weather perhaps, but I’ll get outside and enjoy the sun later, when I’m done, soaking up the much needed rays and vitamin D.

So we’re in March now and at the tail end of the astrological year, the zodiac starting again with the Spring equinox (here in the Northern hemisphere, anyway, in the south it’s the Fall equinox). So we’re wrapping up and closing one chapter as a new one begins. I’ve felt into that particularly strongly this year, as I feel things have come full circle for me in several relationships. People from the past have reappeared in my life, in order for me to be able to bring closure to those old ways of relating. I feel that I’m letting go of many things, as new connections and opportunities are stirring.

One particular big step is that I’ve completely let go of the person who I’ve believed to be my twin flame for several years now, and the energy has moved on to someone else, which can happen against popular belief, when you no longer align energetically and one of you move up to a new vibrational level. Although I know that there are several people who have discussed and experienced this before me, and I knew this was a possibility, it’s still come as a bit of a surprise to me, but that is of course the nature of this journey. It’s full of twists and turns and unexpected revelations. This shift has made me fully understand how the twin flame connection is not about this one person who is supposed to be your true love forever; it’s an energy that can appear between two people and will stay as long as there is growth within the connection for one or both people, and both are committed to that journey.

With all the shifts and new revelations I actually feel remarkably calm, completely different to how I felt 7 years ago, when this ascension and twin flame journey of mine commenced. I decided that I want to share some of my experiences around that time, as I know that more and more people are experiencing a rising of the kundalini these days, and more will do so in the months and years to come. It might be helpful to recognize some of the symptoms, so that you know you’re not going crazy, as it may feel a bit like that at times. Mind you, I had no idea that it was my kundalini that was rising in the beginning either, and it wouldn’t have occurred to me in a million years, but I received very strong guidance at the time and experienced many synchronicities, that helped me to understand what was going on in time.

Now of course, everyone’s experience of kundalini awakening is unique to them, so you may not experience all the things that I experienced, and you may experience other things that I didn’t. Nevertheless, it’s an intense and life changing event, on that I think we all can agree, and many things are definitely universal or very common occurrences. It all began for me with an intense sexual energy coming in, and this seemed to be connected with a man that I had met many years ago, just the one time, and who I’d never really thought much about since, so it was very strange for him to all of a sudden pop into my mind. Yet, this persisted and started to become an issue, when I understood that there was a deeper connection there, a twin flame connection, as I came to understand in time, and I was married at the time.

As the (unbeknownst to me) kundalini energy started working on me, I began having very conflicting feelings about my marriage. At some point I felt the urge that I needed to speak up about issues in the marriage that I had put up with for far too long, and I did so. I actually felt an energy like a whirlwind come up my spine and pressing at my throat, urging me to speak up. Later I understood that this was the kundalini beginning to rise, and my speaking up began the process of moving the kundalini energy up past the throat chakra and into the higher centers of the third eye and crown. With this came a lot of strong intuitions and high vibrational feelings, yet it also started a kind of dark night of the soul.

After a couple of weeks I understood that my marriage was over. I had really thought that my husband was “the one”, so it was a difficult and very sad realization, especially since there was still a lot of love there. With all the conflicting feelings rising in me, I had moments of grief, anxiety, profound sadness and depression, but also intense anger and even rage at times. Sometimes I would have such low and dark feelings that all I could do was listen to heavy metal music, as I couldn’t stand anything else (it’s not what I usually listen to, although I don’t mind some of that music from time to time). At first I thought I may be having a mid-life crisis, as I was in the beginning of my 40s at the time, but as the weeks wore on, I also began to experience some euphoric feelings and sudden heart openings, and that is when I realized that what I was experiencing was something more spiritual…

I also saw a lot of repeating numbers throughout this time period, especially 11:11, and this actually seemed to comfort me at times, as I felt guided and protected in many ways, throughout this crazy roller coaster experience. Two days before my kundalini came all the way up, I was at my friend’s skincare salon for a treatment, and she had some crystals by her cash register that she was selling. I felt strongly drawn to buy a shungite merkaba, which is something that rarely happens to me. But I bought it, and the following two nights, I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling compelled to get the stone and just hold it while I slept. The first morning as I awake, I felt a strong pulsation of energy in my hands and feet and a feeling of being cradled in love. I put it down to the crystal at first, but the next morning, as I awoke quite early, my whole body felt bathed in bliss, and that’s when I finally understood that I’d had a kundalini awakening.

The rest is history as they say, as my ascension journey began in earnest after that, and you find bits and pieces of that all over my blog. That’s the story of my kundalini awakening, the condensed version, of course. I hope you find it both inspiring and helpful, especially if you or someone you know should be experiencing some of these symptoms, as it may just be a kundalini rising.

With that I sign off for today, before this post gets waaay too looong. As always, I send you much love & light!

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